Sunday, July 27, 2014


This reminds me of when I was a kid. I lived in a white and red brick home in San Diego California. It was a wonderful home to grow up in. We had a pool and a large hill area where we could dig big holes and fill them with water and get all dirty. Our parents were not worried about us getting dirty or us playing on the hill that our house was built on. We all had our turns getting poison oak every summer, but we knew that we were taking that risk but going up there. We would play on this huge flat rock that had a cave. We would play a lot of imagination games like school or that we were stranded on a island.
My parents wanted to try raising rabbits so my dad used a shed that was on the property as a rabbit house. The rabbits kept being scared to death by the neighbors dogs so my parents stopped raising them. By the time I was born the rabbit house was just an empty shed. My older sisters would tell me about the rabbits and why they were gone. But the wonderful thing is that right next to the rabbit house was a pepper tree that looked like a weeping willow. So the tree covered the whole shed and draped down the sides. It was a fun place to hide and play.
I have so many fond memory's of that house. It had four bedrooms and one and a half bathrooms. I come from a large family of nine so my dad decided that since two of the rooms were so large that he would split them down the middle and built a wall to divide them. so we ended up with six rooms. the older kids got there own rooms and us younger ones shared. I shared with my little sister Susan. We had so much fun together in that little room. At one point my fourth oldest sister Lara move into our room. My dad built a bunk bed that was suspended above my bed. He had it braced agents two walls. It had a folding latter that my sister would unlock and fold down to get in and fold it back up and lock when she got out. I thought it was the coolest bed ever. Eventually the rooms were just getting to small so my dad decided something. Us kids were out playing in the pool and he came walking out and said "Who wants their own room"? Heidi my fifth oldest sister sad "I DO" so my dad built a little tiny room in our T.V. room that was converted from a garage. That little room had a custom bed that had two drawers under it. Heidi got to pick her carpet, it was purple I think. I don't remember if it had wallpaper in it or not.

So many more memory's to come.

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